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Public Notices BB
January 31st, 2025
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION BENNINGTON UNIT DOCKET NO: 24-CV-01324 ROCKET MORTGAGE, LLC F/K/A QUICKEN LOANS, LLC PLAINTIFF VS. WILLIAM L. ALLEN; SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND OCCUPANTS RESIDING AT 713 WATER STREET, NORTH BENNINGTON, VT 05257 DEFENDANT(S) NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with the Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure by Judicial Sale filed on November 15, 2024, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by William L. Allen to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for Quicken Loans, LLC, dated May 14, 2021, and recorded in Book 550, at Page 89, of the Town of Bennington Land Records, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by Assignment of Mortgage recorded in Book 576, Page 240, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction on February 26, 2025 at 11:00 AM at 713 Water Street, North Bennington, VT 05257 all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To Wit: Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to William L. Allen by Warranty Deed of Raymond Edward Allen, Jr. and Dorothy A. Allen dated March 27, 2021 and recorded May 20, 2021 in Book 550, at Page 88 of the Town of Bennington Land Records and further described therein. The description of the property contained in the mortgage shall control in the event of a typographical error in this publication. The public sale may be adjourned one or more times for a total time not exceeding 30 days, without further court order, and without publication or service of a new notice of sale, by announcement of the new sale date to those present at each adjournment or by posting notice of the adjournment in a conspicuous place at the location of the sale. Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash or by certified check by the purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. The sale is subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. The Mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at sale. Rocket Mortgage, LLC f/k/a Quicken Loans, LLC Bozena Wysocki, Esq. BROCK & SCOTT, PLLC 23 Messenger Street 2nd Floor Plainville, MA 02762 VT_Noticesofhearing@brockandscott.com Ad# 90814 01/24/2025,01/31/2025 02/07/2025
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FAMILY DIVISION BENNINGTON UNIT DOCKET NO. 24-JV-00333 In re: OD NOTICE OF HEARING TO: ANY MALE WHO MAY BE THE FATHER OF OD: The Court has granted the State of Vermont's motion for a hearing on the parentage of OD. You are hereby notified that the court has scheduled a Parentage hearing on 4/3/25 at 1:30 pm at the Vermont Superior Court, Bennington Family Division, 200 Veterans Memorial Drive, Bennington, Vermont. You are notified to appear in connection with this case. Said hearing will be conducted in person and remotely and interested persons should contact the court for instructions on remote participation. Failure to appear at these hearings can result in the adjudication of parentage. The State is represented by the Attorney General's Office, HC 2 North, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 05671-2080. Other interested parties include LANA DUGAN, Mother, and OD. Kerri A. McDonald-Cady Family Division Judge 1/27/2025 AD# 91355 01/31/2025, 02/07/2025
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FAMILY DIVISION BENNINGTON UNIT DOCKET NO. 23-JV-00452/453 In re: JF, NF NOTICE OF HEARING TO: JOSE DANIEL GAMEZ and ANY MALE WHO MAY BE THE FATHER OF JF AND/OR NF: The State of Vermont has filed a motion for a hearing on parentage of JF and NF. You are hereby notified that the court has scheduled a Parentage hearing on 4/3/25 at 2:30 pm at the Vermont Superior Court, Bennington Family Division, 200 Veterans Memorial Drive, Bennington, Vermont. You are notified to appear in connection with this case. Said hearing will be conducted in person and remotely and interested persons should contact the court for instructions on remote participation. Failure to appear at these hearings can result in the adjudication of parentage. The State is represented by the Attorney General's Office, HC 2 North, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 05671-2080. Other interested parties include BETH FRENCH, Mother, and JF and NF. Kerri A. McDonald-Cady Family Division Judge 1/27/2025 AD# 91354 01/31/2025, 02/07/2025
January 30th, 2025
Spring 2025 Early Childhood Developmental Screening Days (by appointment) Bennington Rutland Supervisory Union February 28 - Currier Memorial School (802) 293-5191 March 6 & 7 - Mettawee Community School (802) 645-9009 March 12 & 13 - Manchester Elementary & Middle School (802) 362-1597 Pre-Kindergarten Registration Begins February 1 Children ages 2 1/2 -5 years old are invited to participate in the BRSU annual developmental screenings. Early Childhood Educators will observe your child in a play based format. Families receive feedback about their child's development. PK pre registration information for 2025-2026 will be available beginning February 1. Please call the screening location of your choice for a screening appointment or to get more information on registering for their PK program. AD# 81023 01/28/2025, 01/29/2025, 01/30/2025, 01/31/2025, 02/01/2025, 02/04/2025, 02/05/2025
STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF BENNINGTON SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. 24-CV-03820 GREYLOCK FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, Plaintiff v. JOSHUA R. WRIGHT, Defendant ORDER OF NOTICE BY PUBLICATION TO: Joshua R. Wright, RESIDENCE UNKNOWN GREETING: WHEREAS a civil action has been begun against you, entitled as above, wherein the plaintiff seeks, among other things to foreclose on a mortgage made by the defendant, Josuah R. Wright, on certain premises located in the Town of Stamford, Vermont and known as 1178 Oberdorf Road ("the Property"). TAKE NOTICE, if you intend to make any defense, that on March 1 , 2025 which is the return date of this notice, or within such further time as the law allows, you must cause your written appearance to be entered and your answer or other responsive pleading to be filed in the office of the Clerk of Court at Bennington, in said County first above-named; and further that you must defend against said suit according to law, if you intend to make any defense. Hereof fail not, at your peril, as otherwise said suit may be adjudged, and orders and decrees entered therein, in your absence. David A. Barra Superior Court Judge Signed Electronically 12/5/2024 AD# 90588 01/16/2025, 01/23/2025, 01/30/2025
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION Bennington Unit Docket No. 24-PR-06390 In re ESTATE of: Matthew Housekeeper NOTICE TO CREDITORS To The Creditors of: Matthew Housekeeper late of Bennington I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: 1/25/2025 Name: Erica Housekeeper Executor/Administrator Address: 23 Catherine St. City, state, zip: Burlington, VT 05401 Telephone: 802-777-1872 Email: jeff@wickandmaddocks.com Name of Publication: Bennington Banner Publication Date: 01/30/2025 Name of Probate Court: Bennington Probate Court Address of Probate Court: 207 South St, Bennington, VT 05201 AD# 91336 01/30/2025
January 29th, 2025
Spring 2025 Early Childhood Developmental Screening Days (by appointment) Bennington Rutland Supervisory Union February 28 - Currier Memorial School (802) 293-5191 March 6 & 7 - Mettawee Community School (802) 645-9009 March 12 & 13 - Manchester Elementary & Middle School (802) 362-1597 Pre-Kindergarten Registration Begins February 1 Children ages 2 1/2 -5 years old are invited to participate in the BRSU annual developmental screenings. Early Childhood Educators will observe your child in a play based format. Families receive feedback about their child's development. PK pre registration information for 2025-2026 will be available beginning February 1. Please call the screening location of your choice for a screening appointment or to get more information on registering for their PK program. AD# 81023 01/28/2025, 01/29/2025, 01/30/2025, 01/31/2025, 02/01/2025, 02/04/2025, 02/05/2025
NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF VERMONT Superior Court, Bennington Unit, Civil Division, Docket No.: 24-CV-05327 In Re: Abandoned Mobile Home of Karen Brandmeyer & Richard Ronald Sturles (a/k/a Pownal Estates MHP, LLC v. Karen Brandmeyer et al) A hearing on Pownal Estates MHP, LLC's Verified complaint to declare as abandoned and uninhabitable the mobile home of Karen Brandmeyer and Richard Ronald Sturles, located at 23 Cardinal Blvd., Pownal, Vermont, has been set for 2/4/2025 at 9:00 a.m. at the Vermont Superior Court, Bennington Unit, via Webex (Meeting ID: 23396244004, Meeting PW: benningtoncivil). To appear at the hearing by Webex, either go to https://vtcourts.webex.com or dial 1-802-636-1108 (press pound (#) when asked for an attendee number). VERIFIED COMPLAINT State of Vermont Superior Court, Bennington Unit, Civil Division Docket No. 24-CV-05327 In Re: Abandoned Mobile Home of Karen Brandmeyer & Richard Ronald Sturles NOW COMES Park Owner, Pownal Estates MHP, LLC ("Pownal Estates"), a Nevada limited liability company registered to do business in the State of Vermont, and brings this legal action seeking to sell the abandoned mobile home of Karen Brandmeyer and Richard Ronald Sturles, currently located 23 Cardinal Blvd. in Pownal, Vermont. In further support of this request, Pownal Estates states the following: 1. Pownal Estates is a Nevada Limited Liability Company registered to do business in the State of Vermont, with a principal business address of 4007 Dean Martin Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89103. Pownal Estates is the owner of the land located in Pownal, Vermont consisting of the Pownal Estates Mobile Home Park (the "Park"). 2. Karen Brandmeyer currently rents Lot No. 26, located at 23 Cardinal Blvd. within the Park. Ms. Brandmeyer owns the unit located at that address, However, on information and belief, Richard Ronald Sturles is a co-owner of the unit located at this address. See Exhibit A (Bill of Sale to Karen Brandmeyer & Richard Ronald Sturles). Pownal Estates is unaware of Mr. Sturles current location, and he was never a registered tenant of the Park, though on information and belief he did reside within the unit for a period of time, and the unit is his last known address. 3. Ms. Brandmeyer's and Mr. Sturles' last known mailing address is the address where the unit is currently located (23 Cardinal Boulevard, Pownal, VT 05261). 4. On information and belief, the unit located at 23 Cardinal Boulevard is a 1986 Hollypark 2-bedroom, 14 x 56, white unit, with the serial number of "0146." See Exhibit A. No security deposit was taken for this unit by Pownal Estates. 5. Undersigned counsel's office has reviewed the Town of Pownal's records, and there are no creditors or others with interest in the mobile home based on records of the Town except for the Town of Pownal for back taxes. Pownal Estates is aware of back taxes owed to the Town of Pownal on this unit in the amount of $909.83 as of November 30, 2024, as confirmed by the Town's Treasurer on November 25, 2024. See Exhibit B (Letter to Town Treasurer dated Nov. 18, 2024) (providing notice of intention to bring this action); see also Exhibit C (Letter from Town Treasurer dated Nov. 25, 2024) (providing confirmation of back taxes). Undersigned counsel's office also ran a Standard (IACA) UCC Debtor Search through the Vermont Secretary of State's website and located no liens for "Karen Brandmeyer," "Richard Sturles," or "Richard Ronald Sturles." 6. A reasonable person would believe that the mobile home is not occupied as a residence because Pownal Estates' agent sent a notice of termination to Ms. Brandmeyer at her last known address, the unit in the park, on April 22, 2024. No response to that notice of termination has been received, by Ms. Brandmeyer or Mr. Sturles, and no neighbor or Park agent has seen or heard from Ms. Brandmeyer or Mr. Sturles since prior to January 1 of this calendar year. Mrs. Brandmeyer and Mr. Sturles did not provide employment information to Pownal Estates prior to their abandonment of the home, so Pownal Estates is unable to attempt to contact either at their last known place of employment. Furthermore, the rent for the lot is significantly more than 30 days delinquent. 7. In connection with its request for the sale of the herein referenced abandoned home, Pownal Estates affirms that Tyler Hirchak of Thomas Hirchak Co. is a person who is disinterested in the mobile home or mobile home park who is able to sell the mobile home at a public auction. 8. At this time, Pownal Estates is owed $5,099.00 for back rent, including towards the final two payments on a prior repayment plan for back rent, for this unit (from January 2024 - December 2024), and is owed $616.49 in late fees pursuant to the standard Lease Agreement for the Park. See Exhibit D (Standard lease agreement). Pownal Estates' agent undertook multiple attempts in 2023 to have Ms. Brandmeyer execute a lease agreement, to no avail. In addition, Pownal Estates seeks its costs in bringing this action. 9. This Court has jurisdiction over this eviction action as the subject property is located in Pownal, Vermont, which is within Bennington County. WHEREFORE, Pownal Estates respectfully requests this court issue an order for the sale of the abandoned mobile home located at 23 Cardinal Boulevard at a public auction to be held by Thomas Hirchak Co., and such other and further relief that this court deems equitable and just. Respectfully submitted, Pownal Estates MHP, LLC By its attorneys, Sulloway & Hollis, PLLC By: /s/ Sarah S. Murdough Sarah S. Murdough (#3024) 9 Capitol Street Concord, NH 03301 (603) 223-2800 smurdough@sulloway.com Verification I, Jessica Smith, am the duly authorized representative of Pownal Estates MHP, LLC, and I do affirm under the pains and penalties of perjury that the information contained within the above pleadings is accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge, including a review of Pownal Estates' business records. Dated: December 16, 2024 /s/ Jessica Smith County of: Strafford State of: New Hampshire I do affirm that on the above-referenced date, Jessica Smith appeared before me and verified the truth of their above statement. /s/ Carly Boucher Carly Boucher Notary Public My Commission Expires: 8/26/25 Ad# 91293 01/29/2025
January 28th, 2025
Spring 2025 Early Childhood Developmental Screening Days (by appointment) Bennington Rutland Supervisory Union February 28 - Currier Memorial School (802) 293-5191 March 6 & 7 - Mettawee Community School (802) 645-9009 March 12 & 13 - Manchester Elementary & Middle School (802) 362-1597 Pre-Kindergarten Registration Begins February 1 Children ages 2 1/2 -5 years old are invited to participate in the BRSU annual developmental screenings. Early Childhood Educators will observe your child in a play based format. Families receive feedback about their child's development. PK pre registration information for 2025-2026 will be available beginning February 1. Please call the screening location of your choice for a screening appointment or to get more information on registering for their PK program. AD# 81023 01/28/2025, 01/29/2025, 01/30/2025, 01/31/2025, 02/01/2025, 02/04/2025, 02/05/2025
The Southwest VT Union Elementary SD is seeking proposals for a building-wide security system Summary of needs Indoor 4K Dome w/5 years of support Indoor/Outdoor 180 Fisheye w/5 years of support Outdoor Multi-sensor w/corner mount w/5 years of support Access Control Card Reader w/controller & 5 years of support Intercom (video doorbell) w/5 years of support Cisco Meraki MS150-48MP-4X w/3 year support license TrippLite SMART2200RMXL2U w/management card A copy of the RFP can be obtained from Anne Hilliard, Administrative Assistant, Technology Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union, 184 North Street, Suite 1, Bennington, Vermont 05201 Phone: 802-753-5810 Email: ahilliard@svsu.org Please direct all inquiries and proposals to ahilliard@svsu.org AD# 91250 01/24/2025, 01/25/2025, 01/28/2025
Town of Pownal Selectboard Public Hearing Notice E911 Road Naming Thursday February 13, 2025 at 5:45 pm The Town of Pownal Selectboard will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 5:45pm at the Town Offices and via Zoom for the purpose of naming one new road. All interested parties are urged to attend. More information about this meeting can be found on our website at www.townofpownal.org Ad# 91262 01/28/2025
January 25th, 2025
The Southwest VT Union Elementary SD is seeking proposals for a building-wide security system Summary of needs Indoor 4K Dome w/5 years of support Indoor/Outdoor 180 Fisheye w/5 years of support Outdoor Multi-sensor w/corner mount w/5 years of support Access Control Card Reader w/controller & 5 years of support Intercom (video doorbell) w/5 years of support Cisco Meraki MS150-48MP-4X w/3 year support license TrippLite SMART2200RMXL2U w/management card A copy of the RFP can be obtained from Anne Hilliard, Administrative Assistant, Technology Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union, 184 North Street, Suite 1, Bennington, Vermont 05201 Phone: 802-753-5810 Email: ahilliard@svsu.org Please direct all inquiries and proposals to ahilliard@svsu.org AD# 91250 01/24/2025, 01/25/2025, 01/28/2025
January 24th, 2025
LEGAL NOTICE Bennington Fire District #1 DBA Bennington Rural Fire Department January 27, 2025 Legally registered voters of the Bennington Fire District #1 are hereby notified and warned to meet at the Willow Road Firehouse at 7:00PM to transact the following business: Article 1: To see if the District will elect a Moderator, Chief, 1st Assistant Chief, 2nd Assistant Chief in accordance with district bylaws until the next annual meeting or until their successors are duly elected or appointed. Article 2: To elect all District Officers as required by law, namely the Treasurer, Clerk, and Three-Year Prudential Board Member. These Officers are to serve until the next annual meeting of Fire District or until their successors are duly elected or appointed. Article 3: To vote for a one-year Prudential Board Member. Article 4: To vote for a second one-year Prudential Board Member. Article 5: To see if the district will hold its annual meeting on the fourth Monday of January next year, the date being January 26, 2026. Article 6: To see what the compensation shall be paid to the District's Offices for the coming year. Article 7: To see if the district will accept the budget of $511,100.00. Article 8: To see if the district will authorize the Prudential Committee to borrow money if necessary. Article 9: To see if the district will authorize Prudential Committee to transact any other business found necessary when met. Article 11: To see if the District will approve new firefighter gear in the amount of $30,000.00. Article 13: To see if the District will approve Architect Engineer for $35,000.00 for Phase II Article 14: To see if the District will approve Architect Engineer for $35,000.00 for Phase II Article 15: To see if the District will approve a camera system for West End and Willow Road firehouses for $20,000.00. Angela Hayes, Clerk Bennington Fire District #1 Ad# 90619 01/14/2025,01/24/2025 12/26/2024
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION BENNINGTON UNIT DOCKET NO: 24-CV-01324 ROCKET MORTGAGE, LLC F/K/A QUICKEN LOANS, LLC PLAINTIFF VS. WILLIAM L. ALLEN; SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND OCCUPANTS RESIDING AT 713 WATER STREET, NORTH BENNINGTON, VT 05257 DEFENDANT(S) NOTICE OF SALE In accordance with the Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure by Judicial Sale filed on November 15, 2024, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by William L. Allen to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for Quicken Loans, LLC, dated May 14, 2021, and recorded in Book 550, at Page 89, of the Town of Bennington Land Records, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder by Assignment of Mortgage recorded in Book 576, Page 240, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction on February 26, 2025 at 11:00 AM at 713 Water Street, North Bennington, VT 05257 all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To Wit: Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to William L. Allen by Warranty Deed of Raymond Edward Allen, Jr. and Dorothy A. Allen dated March 27, 2021 and recorded May 20, 2021 in Book 550, at Page 88 of the Town of Bennington Land Records and further described therein. The description of the property contained in the mortgage shall control in the event of a typographical error in this publication. The public sale may be adjourned one or more times for a total time not exceeding 30 days, without further court order, and without publication or service of a new notice of sale, by announcement of the new sale date to those present at each adjournment or by posting notice of the adjournment in a conspicuous place at the location of the sale. Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash or by certified check by the purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. The sale is subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. The Mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at sale. Rocket Mortgage, LLC f/k/a Quicken Loans, LLC Bozena Wysocki, Esq. BROCK & SCOTT, PLLC 23 Messenger Street 2nd Floor Plainville, MA 02762 VT_Noticesofhearing@brockandscott.com Ad# 90814 01/24/2025,01/31/2025 02/07/2025
The Southwest VT Union Elementary SD is seeking proposals for a building-wide security system Summary of needs Indoor 4K Dome w/5 years of support Indoor/Outdoor 180 Fisheye w/5 years of support Outdoor Multi-sensor w/corner mount w/5 years of support Access Control Card Reader w/controller & 5 years of support Intercom (video doorbell) w/5 years of support Cisco Meraki MS150-48MP-4X w/3 year support license TrippLite SMART2200RMXL2U w/management card A copy of the RFP can be obtained from Anne Hilliard, Administrative Assistant, Technology Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union, 184 North Street, Suite 1, Bennington, Vermont 05201 Phone: 802-753-5810 Email: ahilliard@svsu.org Please direct all inquiries and proposals to ahilliard@svsu.org AD# 91250 01/24/2025, 01/25/2025, 01/28/2025
January 23rd, 2025
Request for Proposal (RFP) - Air quality through new mechanical HVAC The Bennington Free Library located in Bennington, Vermont, invites proposals from interested firms for Construction Management services on the air quality through HVAC project. Submission Deadline: Friday, February 21, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. EST SCOPE OF SERVICES Create documents that will describe and detail required building upgrades for the suggested building improvements as outlined in the Bennington Free Library Facilities Condition Assessment dated July 7, 2023. Oversee the design and planning of: The creation of healthy airflow within this building through new mechanical HVAC equipment. This will include utilizing electric-sourced heat pumps for cooling and heating, replacement of: boilers, HRV ventilation equipment, replaced air handling units, required ductwork, and system controls. Electrical building upgrades to accommodate the new HVAC equipment. Insulation of the basement design of wall and rim joist space where appropriate, as well as cover of any foam-based insulation Attic insulation to air seal and increase R values as required (care shall be taken for work surrounding the oculus in the 1936 wing) Insulation and air sealing of walls, floors, and ceilings where possible and were opened during the course of renovations Insulation and air sealing of windows and doors Insulation air infiltration of the chimney Interior repairs, patching, and painting in areas disturbed by new construction Window repairs and additional protection above the oculus Any miscellaneous minor repairs, rotted wood, repainting, etc. Review potential upgrades to install a fire alarm and a fire sprinkler system Contact commissioning agents to weigh in on systems commissioning efforts and present that to the Owner for possible services. Note: This project will include consultants for HVAC and electrical work. No structural services are included in this proposal and would be engaged only if required. For more information or to submit a proposal contact Wendy Sharkey at director@bfli.org AD# 91201 01/23/2025
STATE OF VERMONT COUNTY OF BENNINGTON SUPERIOR COURT DOCKET NO. 24-CV-03820 GREYLOCK FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, Plaintiff v. JOSHUA R. WRIGHT, Defendant ORDER OF NOTICE BY PUBLICATION TO: Joshua R. Wright, RESIDENCE UNKNOWN GREETING: WHEREAS a civil action has been begun against you, entitled as above, wherein the plaintiff seeks, among other things to foreclose on a mortgage made by the defendant, Josuah R. Wright, on certain premises located in the Town of Stamford, Vermont and known as 1178 Oberdorf Road ("the Property"). TAKE NOTICE, if you intend to make any defense, that on March 1 , 2025 which is the return date of this notice, or within such further time as the law allows, you must cause your written appearance to be entered and your answer or other responsive pleading to be filed in the office of the Clerk of Court at Bennington, in said County first above-named; and further that you must defend against said suit according to law, if you intend to make any defense. Hereof fail not, at your peril, as otherwise said suit may be adjudged, and orders and decrees entered therein, in your absence. David A. Barra Superior Court Judge Signed Electronically 12/5/2024 AD# 90588 01/16/2025, 01/23/2025, 01/30/2025
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