September 13th, 2024
TOWN OF MANCHESTER September 10, 2024 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Sale of Land formerly owned by John Jewett, Jr., Parcel #39-50-45-00, Jennifer Lane, Manchester Ctr., VT 05255 Intent The Town of Manchester seeks proposals from private or public institutions or individuals for the purchase of one parcel currently in ownership by the Town of Manchester, and previously owned by John Jewett, Jr. referenced as Parcel #39-50-45-00, Jennifer Lane, in Manchester Ctr., VT 05255. The Property shall be sold by the Town of Manchester and purchased by Purchaser in "AS IS" condition and the Town shall not be responsible for any repairs and/or improvements to the premises and shall be held harmless therefrom. The Property will be conveyed by a quitclaim deed. Submittal of Proposals Proposals should be submitted in sealed envelopes marked with the property address and addressed to: Scott Murphy, Town Managers Office, 40 Jeff Williams Way, Manchester Center, VT 05255, postmarked or hand delivered on or before 4:00p.m. October 11, 2024. Each proposal shall include the total amount the Purchaser is bidding to purchase the property. Review of Proposals The Town Manager and staff shall review proposals for completeness and responsiveness to this Request for Proposals, and shall make recommendation(s) to the Select Board. The Select Board shall have the authority to accept a proposal and/or reject any or all proposals. The Town may enter into negotiations with any selected proposal. Proposal Criteria All responses shall be typed and submitted in its entirety, using as much space as deemed necessary by the respondent. Any and all Bids will be reviewed. Any agreement shall be contingent upon the completion of notice requirements pursuant to 24 V.S.A. 1061. Inquiries All inquiries concerning this Request for Proposals shall be directed via email to Scott Murphy,, Town of Manchester, Vermont. PROPOSAL Respondent: 1. General Information Name of responding entity, legal structure, state of incorporation, address, name(s) of project principal(s), with title and address, and name and contact information of proposal representative. 2. Statement of Intent Describe generally the proposed use of the building and property. All aspects of the use should be outlined. 3. Explanation of Target Market and/or Community Need Describe in detail the projected market or community beneficiaries of the project. Include target numbers and the plan to reach those numbers. 4. Description of Proposed Facility Operation Describe in detail the proposed operational structure of the facility, including whether the facility will be open to the public, hours of operation, and staffing. 5. Facility and Site Renovations and Design Describe in detail the planned renovations and improvements to the site and buildings, including interior and exterior, with plans and graphic representation. 6. Financial Pro Forma Describe in detail the financial structure of the proposed project, including financing and grants, and provide financial projections of operational costs. 7. Project Timeline Describe in detail the projected project timeline including property acquisition, facility design and engineering, construction, occupancy and start-up. 8. Other Proposal Details Provide any additional details/supportive information which the respondent deems important. REQUESTS FOR PROPOSAL Appendix 1. Acreage of parcel with building(s) square footage. 2. Zoning requirements for parcel. 3. Property photographs. Ad #88365 09/13/2024
TOWN OF MANCHESTER September 10, 2024 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Sale of Land formerly owned by John Jewett, Jr., Parcel #39-50-37-00, Jennifer Lane, Manchester Ctr., VT 05255 Intent The Town of Manchester seeks proposals from private or public institutions or individuals for the purchase of one parcel currently in ownership by the Town of Manchester and previously owned by John Jewett, Jr. referenced as Parcel #39-50-37-00, Jennifer Lane, in Manchester Ctr., VT 05255. The Property shall be sold by the Town of Manchester and purchased by Purchaser in "AS IS" condition and the Town shall not be responsible for any repairs and/or improvements to the premises and shall be held harmless therefrom. The Property will be conveyed by a quitclaim deed. Submittal of Proposals Proposals should be submitted in sealed envelopes marked with the property address and addressed to: Scott Murphy, Town Managers Office, 40 Jeff Williams Way, Manchester Center, VT 05255, postmarked or hand delivered on or before 4:00p.m. October 11, 2024. Each proposal shall include the total amount the Purchaser is bidding to purchase the property. Review of Proposals The Town Manager and staff shall review proposals for completeness and responsiveness to this Request for Proposals, and shall make recommendation(s) to the Select Board. The Select Board shall have the authority to accept a proposal and/or reject any or all proposals. The Town may enter into negotiations with any selected proposal. Proposal Criteria All responses shall be typed and submitted in its entirety, using as much space as deemed necessary by the respondent. Any and all Bids will be reviewed. Any agreement shall be contingent upon the completion of notice requirements pursuant to 24 V.S.A. 1061. Inquiries All inquiries concerning this Request for Proposals shall be directed via email to Scott Murphy,, Town of Manchester, Vermont. PROPOSAL Respondent: 1. General Information Name of responding entity, legal structure, state of incorporation, address, name(s) of project principal(s), with title and address, and name and contact information of proposal representative. 2. Statement of Intent Describe generally the proposed use of the building and property. All aspects of the use should be outlined. 3. Explanation of Target Market and/or Community Need Describe in detail the projected market or community beneficiaries of the project. Include target numbers and the plan to reach those numbers. 4. Description of Proposed Facility Operation Describe in detail the proposed operational structure of the facility, including whether the facility will be open to the public, hours of operation, and staffing. 5. Facility and Site Renovations and Design Describe in detail the planned renovations and improvements to the site and buildings, including interior and exterior, with plans and graphic representation. 6. Financial Pro Forma Describe in detail the financial structure of the proposed project, including financing and grants, and provide financial projections of operational costs. 7. Project Timeline Describe in detail the projected project timeline including property acquisition, facility design and engineering, construction, occupancy and start-up. 8. Other Proposal Details Provide any additional details/supportive information which the respondent deems important. REQUESTS FOR PROPOSAL Appendix 1. Acreage of parcel with building(s) square footage. 2. Zoning requirements for parcel. 3. Property photographs. AD # 09/13/2024
August 21st, 2024
TOWN OF MANCHESTER PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Development Review Board Meeting Wednesday, September 4, 2024 Manchester Town Hall - Kilburn Meeting Room 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Agenda Minutes of the 08/14/2024 Meeting. (5 min) Todd Beyer, 5261 Main Street, Construction of a new 3 car garage with a dwelling unit above 30' x 60' , and the construction of a new professional office 24' x 36'. Application: 2024-08-099 Tax Map: 32-50-20.00 Jordan Keagy, 342 Depot Street, Applicant is requesting a change of use for 342 Depot Street to become a retail cannabis dispensary Application: 2024-08-100 Tax Map: 37-50-16.00 Karen Geriak and Adam Dworkin, 4645 Main Street. Applicant wishes to appeal the decision of the Zoning Administrator to Permit a sign on 4645 Main street. Permit: 2024-05-069 Tax Map: 31-50-35.01 Stratton Resort, 2066 Depot Street, Applicant wishes to change the use of the Rest Hotel to employee housing during ski season. Permit: 2024-08-103 Tax Map: 19-20-26.00 Other Business. (2 min) AD# 87728 08/21/2024